Leigh Trust

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A. Ravat - Trustee

Asima has over 20 years’ experience serving in schools across Birmingham. She is the Principal of Oasis Academy Foundry where she has been a senior leader for 10 years. Her leadership is deeply rooted in a moral purpose to serve with integrity and improve the life chances of all children. She leads a nurturing environment that promotes wellbeing, inclusive practice and provides high quality learning experiences for all. Under Asima’s Headship, the school has been rated Outstanding.

The school has been on a journey on the brink of closure to being beacon of best practice and holds numerous accredited awards including the IQM (Inclusion Quality Mark) with Flagship status for inclusion. Asima is a National Lead Practitioner for the Oasis Trust leading on Attendance across Primary and Secondary schools. She has previously led on EY as a National Lead practitioner supporting Primaries across the Trust. She was a member of the EY Local Authority Moderating Team for Early Years and has supported schools in challenging circumstances through her SLE role. Asima is passionate about sharing best practice and facilitates for the NIOT to deliver National Professional Qualification (NPQ’s) to aspiring leaders and teachers nationally. Her extensive leadership experience will provide valuable contribution to the Leigh Trust trustee board.