Leigh Trust

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Summerfield Primary School

At Summerfield we started a new chapter in the school’s life in June 2024 when we became part of the Leigh Trust family of schools. These are exciting times, and we are all looking forward to the benefits being a member of Leigh Trust will bring to the school and the children.

At Summerfield we strongly believe in instilling a love of learning into our children. We aim to provide a curriculum that is experiential, broad and exciting. We want to equip our children with the skills they need to be successful, not just during their time at Summerfield but as they go through life. 

Everything we do is driven by the need to impact positively on the children - academically, socially and emotionally. Above all else we want to nurture individuals who will be aspirational and have a strong belief in their own abilities so that they can go on to make a significant contribution to their and our community.

Statutory Data 2023-2024

Early Years GLD


National Avg. (68%)

Year 1 Phonics Screening Check


National Avg. (80%)

Year 6 SATS Reading


National Avg. (74%)

Year 6 SATS Writing


National Avg. (72%)

Year 6 SATS Maths


National Avg. (73%)

Year 6 Combined


National Avg. (61%)